Fall 2024 Stewardship Campaign

Prepare our hearts for the upcoming year at Trinity Hill!


Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7 (NRSV)

Stewardship Campaign at Trinity Hill 2024

Our Mission

The mission for our Fall Stewardship Campaign is to secure support and funding from the congregation for the 2025 Trinity Hill Methodist Church budget.

Since 1966, Trinity Hill has been blessed by a giving congregation. Through careful prayer and consideration, our families and members have continued to support our ministries, our staff, and our mission to share the love of Jesus with our communities over the years.

Our personal challenge is to find ways to grow deeper in our faith. One way to do this is to return a portion of our financial blessings to God through our tithes and offerings. Our giving recognizes God as the source of all our blessings. Our gifts help to create and implement ministries that change lives, transform communities, and spread the good news of Christ.

A Call for Estimate of Giving

Trusting God for the future, our church members desire to be faithful in giving so others can experience God’s love through the ministries of our church.

During the month of November, our congregation is asked to come together and provide an Estimate of Giving. For 2025, we are asking for families to provide estimates by Commitment Sunday on November 24.

Please pray about increasing your gift this year by 2%.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following are common questions asked by our members regarding the Estimate of Giving. If you need assistance or have additional questions, please contact the our church office at 859.272.3456.

How much should I give?

Your decision to be faithful in giving originates out of your love for God. This is best seen in John 3:16 “for God so loved the world He gave...” Giving comes from the heart and prayer is essential for determining what to give.

The Bible speaks of the tithe as a standard for giving. The tithe is defined as the first ten percent of our earnings, returned to God, and the work of the church. This is difficult for some, and others have grown in their generosity well beyond this biblical standard.

Growing in the grace of giving is a worthy, God-honoring goal to consider each year. Your intentional decision to give in proportion to your resources will enable you to accomplish your personal good steward goal.

Evaluate your current giving. Does it reflect your blessings? Is it generous? Is it time for you to increase your giving to God and to the work of the church? By prayerfully considering these questions, you will find your answer.

Why is returning an Estimate of Giving important?

By completing and returning an Estimate of Giving, you are expressing your intention and affirming your desire to honor God with your resources. Returning your Estimate of Giving makes it possible for our church to plan and implement ministries without hesitation. Knowing your plans allows wise management of resources throughout the year. All the ministries our church invests in are dependent on the generosity of God’s people.

What happens to my Estimate of Giving after I return the card?

Your Estimate of Giving will remain confidential. It is not a legally binding contract but is your personal commitment to the Lord. If your situation changes and you would like to increase or decrease your estimate, call the church office to speak with our financial secretary.

This is truly the season of Thanksgiving! And at Trinity Hill, we are blessed by the continued support and love of our community. It is through your generosity and contributions that we can kingdom build and do God's work as a church. If you wish to speak to one of our staff or ministers on the matter of giving, please reach out and let us know.

We look forward to seeing you all at Commitment Sunday on November 24!