Operation Christmas Child

Pack a shoebox and drop it off to send Good News, Great Joy!


A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
John 13:34 (ESV)

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Packing Party

The 2024 collection has started!

For Operation Christmas Child, Trinity Hill has participated each year by collecting supplies, toys, and donations to pack shoeboxes. This year, in addition to our main collection efforts in November, the church will be bringing items (Lists available below!) so we can pack even more shoeboxes together during our upcoming packing party on Sunday, September 8!

For our packing party, items will be collected between June 29 and September 1 using the blue bins at Trinity Hill. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Ben Bowman or our main office at 859.272.3456.

Donation List for the 2024 Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes:

About Operation Christmas Child

Trinity Hill Methodist Church participates in this program each year to share God's love internationally from our home church to their homes and families.

Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts are a long-running effort from Samaritan's Purse focused on providing international relief to families in need. We are blessed to support these gifts over the years and see how God is using their relief efforts to change lives. Consider supporting this cause, either through Trinity Hill or Samaritan's Purse directly, as we continue to serve in the international community and missions effort.

For more information on Operation Christmas Child, please visit their website to start your journey.

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Packing Party